Monday, May 25, 2020
How Can Women Reduce Child Labor Pain - 1454 Words
Leslie Nabor Mrs. Oââ¬â¢Donohoe December 12, 2014 Per. 2 Labor Itââ¬â¢s seems that no matter what goes on in life, women always seem to have more on their plate, whether it is having to care for a household or working. Women go ,through the most traumatic yet rewarding pain they will ever go through, childbirth. Not everyone is cut out to endure the pain of child labor, but women have the strength to withstand it. Many men have no idea what excruciating pain women go through to deliver a baby. Labor is a very long process that strengthens the mental and physical aspects of a woman. Every women relates childbirth pain differently, whether they feel no pain to feeling the world on their shoulders. What are some benefits to controlling pain during labor? What types of ways can women reduce child labor pain? How do women normally recall childbirth pain after giving birth? These are the questions that ponder through the minds of many women. Many may wonder how controlling pain during labor can be beneficial to women after giving birth. Well belie ve it or not controlling pain during labor can help in minimizing the risk of women getting postpartum depression after giving birth.(Controllingâ⬠¦) The article ââ¬Å"Controlling childbirth pain to lower depression riskâ⬠states how ââ¬Å"Wisner s editorial is based on a new Chinese study that found women who had pain control with epidural anesthesia during a vaginal delivery had a muchShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Hypnobirthing On Women During Labor1638 Words à |à 7 Pagesreducing labor pain, fear, and stress levels as compared to other studies of hypnosis and childbirth. After program and childbirth completion, 90 program participants from Australia, women ranging in age from 24 to 42, who had had complication-free vaginal births, were sent a questionnaire asking for specific information on their birth experiences to be considered for the study. The survey results find that although HypnoBirthing participants have similar labor experiences to other women who use h ypnosisRead MorePain Management During Labor And Delivery1528 Words à |à 7 PagesPain Management During Labor Childbirth can be described as one of the most rewarding and also painful experiences in a womanââ¬â¢s life. Most women choose some type of method to ease pain, however, there has been a lot of controversy over with pain management method is the most effective. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), In 2013, there were 3,932,181 births recorded in the United States, 32.7% of those births were surgical procedures. In 2012, 1.36% of recorded births occurred out-of-hospitalRead MoreBenefits Of Pain Management For A Womans Life1556 Words à |à 7 PagesChildbirth can be described as one of the most rewarding and also painful experiences in a womanââ¬â¢s life. Most women choose some type of method to ease pain, however, there has been a lot of controversy over which pain management method is the most effective. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), In 2013, there were 3,932,181 births recorded in the United States, 32.7% of those births were surgical proced ures. In 2012, 1.36% of recorded births occurred out-of-hospital, meaning these birthsRead MoreCommon Negative Side Effects Of The Mother Essay1511 Words à |à 7 Pagesinjection can be made at any time the woman feels she needs more medication for pain (American Pregnancy Association 2015). Although an epidural is a very effective procedure to reduce pain, there are many effects that can take place on the mother and baby during and following childbirth reinstating why this is a controversial procedure for some people. Common negative side effects of the mother given epidural anesthesia is a decrease in levels of oxytocin and prostaglandins produced during labor (BuckleyRead MoreIntroduction Of Policy / Clinical Setting Essay1004 Words à |à 5 PagesEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction of Policy/Clinical Setting: Labor and delivery is a critical change, marking a beginning and end for mother, baby and family. It requires a significant amount of physiological and emotional coping mechanisms. Nursing care is needed regardless of the amount of child birth preparation or the number of times a woman has been through the experience. Nursing care focuses on assessment and support of a woman throughout labor and birth with the goal of ensuring the best possibleRead MoreNatural Birth Versus Medicalized Birth1156 Words à |à 5 PagesNatural Birth Versus Medicalized Birth Introduction: There has been a long debate over which birthing method women should use today: natural versus medicalized. The World Health Organization defines natural birth as a vaginal birth without the use of any.. and medicalized birth as being .. However, medicalized births are becoming increasingly popular in the United States. The use of technology and medical interventions in the birthing process has increased despite the unchanged basic physiologyRead MoreThe Agreements Concern Childbirth And Childrearing893 Words à |à 4 Pageschildbirth and childrearing. The first says ââ¬Å" We believe that marriage, childbirth and death are sacraments of our church.â⬠The next says ââ¬Å"We agree that child rearing and care of the elderly is a holy responsibilityâ⬠(CITE). These describe the Farmââ¬â¢s commitment to midwifery as a spiritual and important practice for both members and non-members. These women are skilled in delivering children in a more traditional way with minimal medical intervention. The practice of midwifery is important to the Farmââ¬â¢sRead MoreThe Mortality Rate Of Mothers And Infants With A Midwife As The Practitioner1394 Words à |à 6 Pagescompare that to 3) what is the satisfaction level of mothers who give birth with a midwife in the hospital. Primary source data and secondary survey data was the primary type of literature reviewed. Care was taken to include studies that focused on women with normal pregnancies of an age range of 18- 34 years old not considered high risk. Studies that included subjects from the United State were preferred and used most often. However, the amount of this studies were limited because of the deficit ofRead MoreA Birthing Method That Uses Self Hypnosis And Relaxation Techniques For Help A Woman934 Words à |à 4 PagesHypnobirthing is a birthing method that uses self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques to help a woman feel prepared, narrow her focus, and reduce her awareness of fear, anxiety and p ain during childbirth. A C-section, or cesarean section, is the delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother s abdomen and uterus. In certain circumstances, a C-section is scheduled in advance. In others, it s done in response to an unforeseen complication. I believe that any one of these methods is aRead MoreThe Booming Birthing Business Essay1451 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Booming Birthing Business When women hear the phrase ââ¬Å"home birth,â⬠there is usually a negative connotation that comes with it. Modern medicine has made sure that women go to the hospital to deliver since itââ¬â¢s inception. Whatââ¬â¢s the lesser known fact about giving birth at home is that having a home delivery ,for a mom having a normal and healthy pregnancy, is much more safe for both mother and child. More women should have home births over hospital births because giving birth at the hospital causes
Thursday, May 14, 2020
A Raisin in the Sun Study Guide for Act Three
This plot summary and study guide for Lorraine Hansberrys play, A Raisin in the Sun, provides an overview of Act Three. To learn more about the previous scenes, check out the following articles: A Raisin in the Sun: Act One, Scene OneA Raisin in the Sun: Act One, Scene TwoA Raisin in the Sun: Act Two, Scene OneA Raisin in the Sun: Act Two, Scene TwoA Raisin in the Sun: Act Two, Scene Three The third act of A Raisin in the Sun is a single scene. It takes place an hour after the events of Act Two (when $6500 was swindled from Walter Lee). In the stage directions, playwright Lorraine Hansberry describes the light of the living room as gray and gloomy, just as it was at the beginning of Act One. This dismal lighting represents the feeling of hopelessness, as though the future promises nothing. Joseph Asagais Proposal Joseph Asagai pays a spontaneous visit to the household, offering to help the family pack. Beneatha explains that Walter Lee lost her money for medical school. Then, she recounts a childhood memory about a neighbor boy who injured himself severely. When the doctors fixed his face and broken bones, young Beneatha realized she wanted to become a doctor. Now, she thinks that she has stopped caring enough to join the medical profession. Joseph and Beneatha then launch into an intellectual discussion about idealists and realists. Joseph sides with idealism. He is dedicated to improving life in Nigeria, his homeland. He even invites Beneatha to return home with him, as his wife. She is both bewildered and flattered by the offer. Joseph leaves her to think about the idea. Walters New Plan During his sisters conversation with Joseph Asagai, Walter has been listening intently from the other room. After Joseph leaves, Walter enters the living room and finds the business card of Mr. Karl Lindner, the chairman of the so-called welcoming committee of Clybourne Park, a neighborhood with white residents who are willing to pay a large amount of money to prevent black families from moving into the community. Walter leaves to contact Mr. Lindner. Mama enters and starts to unpack. (Because Walter lost the money, she no longer plans to move to the new house.) She remembers when as a child people would say that she always aimed too high. It seems she finally agrees with them. Ruth still wants to move. She is willing to go to work extreme hours in order to keep their new house in Clybourne Park. Walter returns and announces that he has made a call to the Man -- more specifically, he has asked Mr. Lindner back to their home to discuss a business arrangement. Walter plans to accept Lindners segregationist terms in order to make a profit. Walter has determined that humanity is divided into two groups: those who take and those who are tooken. From now on, Walter vows to be a taker. Walter Hits Rock Bottom Walter breaks down as he imagines putting on a pathetic show for Mr. Lindner. He pretends that he is speaking to Mr. Lindner, using a slave dialect to express how subservient he is in comparison to the white, property owner. Then, he goes into the bedroom, alone. Beneatha verbally disowns her brother. But Mama devoutly says that they must still love Walter, that a family member needs love the most when they have reached his lowest point. Little Travis runs in to announce the arrival of the moving men. At the same time, Mr. Lindner appears, carrying contracts to be signed. A Moment of Redemption Walter enters the living room, somber and ready to do business. His wife Ruth tells Travis to go downstairs because she does not want her son to see his father debase himself. However, Mama declares: MAMA: (Opening her eyes and looking into Walters.) No. Travis, you stay right here. And you make him understand what you doing, Walter Lee. You teach him good. Like Willy Harris taught you. You show where our five generations done come to. When Travis smiles up at his father, Walter Lee has a sudden change of heart. He explains to Mr. Lindner that his family members are plain but proud people. He tells of how his father worked for decades as a laborer, and that ultimately his father earned the right for his family to move into their new home in Clybourne Park. In short, Walter Lee transforms into the man his mother had prayed he would become. Realizing that the family is bent on moving into the neighborhood, Mr. Lindner shakes his head in dismay and leaves. Perhaps the most excited of all the family members, Ruth joyously shouts, Lets get the hell out of here! The moving men enter and begin to pack up the furniture. Beneatha and Walter exit as they argue about who would be a more suitable husband: the idealistic Joseph Asagai or the wealthy George Murchison. All of the family except Mama have left the apartment. She looks around one last time, picks up her plant, and leaves for a new home and a new life.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Haydn And Beethoven Classical And Romantic Composers
Background Both Haydn and Beethoven are known as two of the greatest classical/romantic composers in the history of music. Haydn is identified as the father of modern symphony, as well as the father of the string quartet. He has played an essential role in developing the piano trio and the sonata form. Beethoven is also a widely recognized composer in Western music, his style joined the lull between the Classical and Romantic eras. Beethoven traveled to Vienna when he was young to study under Haydn. However, due to disputes and differences between the two composers, lessons only lasted for a little over a year. The teachings, if only for a short period, left a mark on Beethoven, and can be observed in his compositions. When comparing compositions of the two composers, the two composers differ in several areas, such as form, tonality, theme, and structure. Haydnââ¬â¢s compositions were more relevant with the classical era. His pieces were more constructed on melody and vastly linear. Whereas Beethoven set off to use more of a dynamic contrasting sound in his compositions. First off, comparing a movement in Haydnââ¬â¢s symphony No. 95 in C minor and Beethovenââ¬â¢s symphony No. 5. The first movement of both pieces start off in their own unique way. Haydnââ¬â¢s work begins stridently with a quick timpani strike accompanied by the strings, then is followed by a toned-down melody in C-minor. The second theme of Haydnââ¬â¢s first movement is more jovial sounding and is in C-major. After theShow MoreRelatedLudwig Van Beethoven s Influence On The Classical Era938 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe most influential musician of all time, Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770. Beethovenââ¬â¢s talent was noticed at a young age and he soon became a pioneer in the world of music for breaking the traditional bounds of style and form. Over the course of his life, Beethoven produced nine symphonies, seven concertos, and a total of forty-two sonatas. Although these numbers are few when compared to other composers such as Joseph Haydn, his work was very substantial. Ludwig van Beethovenââ¬â¢sRead MoreThe Influences of the Classical Period Essay582 Words à |à 3 Pages ââ¬Å"There was no one near to confuse me, so I was forced to become original.â⬠This quote is by Joseph Haydn, an Austrian composer who was one of the most prominent during the Classical Period. His signature place in this Period was shared with other great composers like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven. The music during the Classical Period significantly changed after the Baroque Period. The techniques and tastes during this Period changed from loudly expressive andRead MoreEssay on The Great Classics of the Classical Period505 Words à |à 3 PagesBaroque period, the Classical period is one of the greatest musical eras in history. The style flowed directly off of its Baroque predecessors, smooth, but differing in the tempo. Many of the greatest composers emanated from the Classical era, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven among them. This time period transformed the course of not just musical history, but that of the entire modern w estern world. Johann Sebastian Bach was the Alpha and the Omega of the Baroque period. Classical music, as we referRead MoreDevelopment Of Symphonies And Their Composers1346 Words à |à 6 PagesDevelopment of Symphonies and Their Composers Early eighteenth century the term ââ¬Å"symphonyâ⬠was applied to the instrumental preludes and postludes of vocal pieces such as arias and songs. By derivation the word means simply ââ¬Å"a music ensembleâ⬠. Today, we apply the term to a much larger composition such as an orchestra (typically in three or four movements). The symphony can also be defined as a sonata for orchestra. Symphonies of the earlier era, the classical era, were mostly simpler, and followedRead MoreThe History And Transitions Of Music933 Words à |à 4 Pagestransitions of music has had many talented persons that have influenced music but none are so well known as Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. All three of these great composers performed during the Classic period and it would act as the base of classic music for the next one hundred and fifty, to two hundred years. The names of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven are so well known that people who have little to no k nowledge of music will recognize their names. The urban communitiesRead More Beethoven Essay886 Words à |à 4 PagesBeethoven Ludwig van Beethoven was, and remains today, an influential figure in the history of classical music. Perhaps no other composer in history wrote music of such inspiring power and expressiveness. His influence on the last 150 years of music is unequalled. Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770. His father, a music enthusiast, dreamed of molding his son into the next Mozart. Beethoven never showed the impressive characteristics of Mozart, but he was unusually talented, learningRead MoreThe Music Of Ludwig Van Beethoven1701 Words à |à 7 PagesLudwig van Beethoven Music has been around a long time and is a big part of Americaââ¬â¢s history. There are many styles of music such as, Rap, RB, Jazz, Classical, Oldies and so on. There has been many great composers throughout the years, these people are legends that will stand for ever such as, Beethoven, George Frideric Handel, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The one artist that Iââ¬â¢m going to write about in this paper is the one and only Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven was a deaf German composer and theRead MoreJoseph Haydn ( 1732-1809 ) And Ludwig Van Beethoven915 Words à |à 4 Pages Both Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) and Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) as composers, had elements of their environment, personalities and emotions that served as creative inspiration in their music. Both composersââ¬â¢ contributions had profound effects on Western music. According to Greenberg (2009), music composers are basically just people ââ¬Å"who generally prefer their own company to that of others and work best when left alone; they have typically a rather intense personality, not necessarily an antisocialRead MoreMonteverdi, Vivaldi, Pachelbel, And Handel1708 Words à |à 7 Pagesmusic. These periods are Baroque, Classical, and Romantic. In these periods there were several different composers who helped shape that period. Here are but a few in each of the period. In the Baroque period, some composers are Vivaldi, Monteverdi, Pachelbel, and Handel. There, of course, are much more as these are just four composers. First, Vivaldi, his full name is Antonio Lucio Vivaldi. Vivaldi was born in 1678 and grew to be an Italian violinist and a composer. He was born with angina pectorisRead MoreCharacteristics Of The Classical Era Of Music729 Words à |à 3 Pages Ludwig Van Beethoven was recognized as a great composer in western music. Beethoven was also known for creating the bridge between the classical and romantic era of music. He is known for doing this because he took key aspects of the classical era and merged them with key aspects of the romantic era. The classical era of music dates from 1775-1825. The classical music era had a lighter and more clear texture (Kamien 161). The music from this era was mainly homophonic meaning that the music had
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic Development National Australia Bank
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Development for National Australia Bank. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to analyse strategic development of National Australia Bank (NAB). Therefore, in order to, better understand the concept, the report follows a systematic approach and discusses various factors that affect the strategic development of the organization in logical sequence. The report begins with a brief discussion about the growth and development of NAB since its inception to the present. It discusses what strategies that the organization has implemented over the years. Next, the report discusses various criticisms faced by the company in relation to the business practices it has employed over the years. Further, the report undertakes a comprehensive environmental analysis of the industry where it operates. Lastly, the report discusses and analyses the organizational structure and leadership style within the NAB. Company Background NAB was formed in the year 1982 by the merger of National Bank of Australia and the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. The merger resulted in expansion of financial base of the NAB and activated significant expansion outside Australia in the ensuing years. This more than 150 years old bank provides solutions to customers with their money. At present, the company employs more than 35,000 people that serve more than 10 million customers at more than 800 branches in Australia, New Zealand and around the world. The business of NAB business model is built on understanding customer needs, supporting and providing solutions as per their needs. NAB is Australias largest bank. Therefore, it provides banking solutions to small, medium and large business organizations in starting, running and growing their businesses. During the period from 1987 to 1997, bank operations grew substantially as the organization acquired many foreign banks ( 2016). Business strategies applied by NAB Vision: To be worlds leading financial services company. Mission: NAB bank aim is to take the hard work out of banking. Business strategy Since its inception, NAB has applied market development strategy. The company has focussed on expanding its business through mergers and acquisitions. The bank opened representative offices in different cities around the world. In 1987, NAB acquired Clydesdale (Scotland) and Northern Bank (Ireland). In 1990, NAB purchased Yorkshire Bank (England). Further, in 1992, NAB acquired Bank of New Zealand and in 1995, it acquired Michigan National Bank, the banks first foray into the US market (Fleisher and Bensoussan 2015).In addition, NAB acquired HomeSide Lending, a leading US mortgage service provider based in Florida. In 2000, NAB acquired MLC Limited for $4.56bn, which is one of the biggest mergers in Australian corporate history (Liu 2015). NABs case of growth by overseas expansion strategy has helped the company to access international markets, however expected results outcomes of this strategy has been far from a roaring success story. By the year 1997, NAB was performing exceptionally well and the company was determined to become worlds leading financial services company. In order to achieve this, NABs management continued on their strategy of growing organically and through well thought acquisitions. During the initial 10 to 15 years, NAB focused only on expanding its business operations to international markets (Moutinho 2016). Criticisms of business practices Foreign exchange scandal: On January 13, 2004, NAB announced that it had lost AU$360 million in foreign currency trading. The massive loss was due to increasing reliance on speculation and high-risk investment activity to boost profitability. Subsequent investigation by Price Waterhouse Coopers and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority found the involvement of internal staff and suggested a need of cultural change. The losses were due to faulty speculative position where the traders misrepresented profits in order to earn heavy bonuses. In order to show profits, traders speculated on the US dollar, proclaiming that it would rise against the Australian dollar and other currencies. NAB put the blame for losses to unauthorized trading by some rouge employees at its foreign exchange options desk. However, PwC highlighted NAB insufficient risk management policies and poor control mechanisms (Cummins and Santomero 2012). Although, the bank maintained that the high-risk activity was not the strategy of the bank, the emergence of information later contradicted NABs assertion. It was found that NAB was trading at levels far greater than its official risk caps. The Australian banks usually calculate their exchange option financial exposure by a Value at Risk (VaR) formula. It determines the maximum apparent losses that could result at any particular time. At that time, NABs foreign exchange options cap was $3.25 million dollars; while the company accrued a total loss of AU$360 dollars which was 110 times the maximum VaR. Moreover, NABs annual report suggested that increasingly risky trading was mindful policy. It is evident from the fact that The average VaR of bank in Sept. 1999 was $3 million while for the same month in 2000 it stood at $20 million, this increase in the value of VaR clearly indicates that banks risky trading. Moreover, in an attempt to hide the unscrupulous business practice, NAB aband oned its usual practice of publishing year-on-year comparisons in annual report figures (Batten et al. 2015). Financed greenhouse gas emissions: NAB faced severe criticisms for its involvement in providing loan in the order AUD 11.2 billion to the fossil fuel industry in Australia since 2008. On the other hand, the banks loan in renewable energy amount to just 20% of the amount of fossil fuels i.e. AUD 2.2 billion dollars. This has raised concerns that the finance provided by NAB has significantly contributed to existing problems of global warming. This has raised considerable outrage in the Australian community and led to various responses including creation of fossil fuel free investment products that excluded NAB from the investment universe. The stakeholders of NAB raised their concern in annual general meeting and demanded for detailed emissions disclosure and reduction in loans for fossil fuels. Environmentalists and protest groups covered ATM screens in order to raise awareness regarding the unethical business practices and its impact on the environmental degradation of the Great Barr ier Reef. In addition, the customers of the bank shifted their money to those banks that have lower financed emission portfolios (Dao et al. 2016). Environmental analysis PESTLE analysis: PESTLE analysis refers to analysis of Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Ecological environment where the company operates. It aims at scanning the external business environment of the business that is beyond the control of organization but exercises considerable influence on the long-term success of the business. The PESTLE analysis of NAB can be undertaken as Political: The banking sector is most affected by the political factors present within the country where it operates. Moreover, as NAB is expanding its operations by entering global markets, its business is affected by the political ideologies, political stabilities and policies of respective countries. Moreover, the banks operations and profitability is directly linked with geo-political environment. The ongoing unrest in Middle Eastern countries, polarization of power, conflict between Russia and the United States of America, problems with North Korea and increasing terrorist activities all around the world, have affected the business of NAB. However, the domestic market provides support and required infrastructure, which is beneficial for NAB (Hill 2012). Economic: The economic environment is favourable for the business of the organization. The revival of economy after the financial crisis of 2008 sends positive signals and world economy is again forwarding in right direction. The country is experiencing greater foreign investment and positive outlook among the investors presents favourable conditions for NAB to grow in next few years. Socio-cultural: Socio cultural factors also affect the business operations of NAB. These factors include level of education in the society, life style preferences, profession, values and cultures of the people, education level and so on. In this regard, Australian society exhibits all the favourable conditions for business development of NAB and people are aware of the importance of banking solutions in their lives (Grant 2016). Technological: In the todays world, technology is evolving at a faster rate. Technological changes in the banking sector have direct impact on the long-term sustainability of the banks. In this context, NAB has invested in developing cutting edge and competitive technology that would provide NAB competitive advantage over the competitors. Further, increasing influence of internet in banking operations and digitalization of currency has changed the dynamics of banking industry and NAB has implemented strategies to take advantage of such technological changes (Safeena and Date 2015). Legal: All the business organizations are required to comply with the legal requirement of the land where it operates. NAB being a financial institution is subject to various regulations and standards. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is the governing body that overseers banks and other financial bodies in Australia. In addition, Reserve Bank of Australia also prescribes guidelines that the banks are requires to comply. The purpose of these regulations is to prevent the unscrupulous business practices and protections of rights of customers. Therefore, it can be said that legal environment is beneficial for the long-term sustainability of business operations of NAB (Florey 2012). Ecological: Increasing concern for the environment has made it crucial for business entities to adopt sustainable and environment friendly business practices. The bank has faced severe criticisms for fossil fuel industries. Therefore, it is important for NAB bank to identify social and environmental risks especially in credit approval process. In this regard, NAB has developed environmental issues policy to identify such risks and undertake appropriate strategies to mitigate those risks (Boersma 2015). SWOT analysis of NAB Strengths Strong brand name Financially strong Leading financial player with diverse products and services Weaknesses Globally less renowned Declining revenues impacting growth activities Opportunities Expansion in Asian markets Diversifying portfolio Threats Stiff control by government on the wake of financial crisis and recession Stiff competition from other banks (Source: As created by author) Organizational culture NABs organizational culture is inspired by five core values passion for customer, will to win, be bold, respecting the people and doing the right thing. Organizational culture leadership are two sides of the same coin and cannot be understood without each other. From 1999 to 2004, Frank Cicuttio, was the CEO of the company. During his position as a leader, the bank grew tremendously until the foreign currency trader fraud was exposed, which also led to his resignation. This incident also led to change in organizational culture. The culture of the organization has been under scrutiny for its inability to risk management and placing control measures to avoid mismanagement (Alvesson 2012).The leaders were more focussed on increasing profitability and revenues at any cost. Since the debacle of forex scandal, the company is in damage control and has been not able to produce effective leaders. The organizational culture has been secretive and leaders exercise maximum control on all the fu nctions of organization. Therefore, it can be said that the organizational culture of NAB is bureaucratic in nature. There is too much hierarchy and the communication follows top to bottom. The top executives take all the decisions and employee participation is restricted. Moreover, NABs inability to make a strong and positive presence in other countries apart from Australia is attributed to failed leadership and the bank has to adopt a more holistic and participative style of leadership in order to be successful globally (Tehan and Thompson 2013). Conclusion From the above discussion, it is evident that NAB has been able to achieve the stature of one of the biggest banks in Australia with the effective implementation of its strategic policies. In the domestic market, NAB enjoys dominant position; however, its foreign endeavour has been less successful. The bank has adopted expansionist strategy to grow and entered new markets. Further, the bank has also suffered some set back due to some scandals and business decisions such as loaning of fossil fuel industries that lead to massive public outrage and the foreign exchange scandal that not only cost the company financially but also tarnished the image of the bank. However, from the environmental analysis it is clear that there are huge opportunities for banks growth and development; but in order to exploit these opportunities, bank has to revaluate its organizational and instil string leader at its helm to enhance the image of the organization and to boost the confidence of employees to ach ieve organizational objectives. References Alvesson, M., 2012.Understanding organizational culture. Sage. Batten, J.A., Loncarski, I. and Szilagyi, P.G., 2015. Strategic Insider Trading: Evidence from the Foreign Exchange Markets.Available at SSRN 2653576. Boersma, M., 2015. How Does Sustainable Banking Add Up?.Catalyst Australia, Sydney. Cummins, D. and Santomero, A. eds., 2012.Changes in the life insurance industry: Efficiency, technology and risk management(Vol. 11). Springer Science Business Media. Dao, A., Godwin, A. and Ramsay, I., 2016. 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